For flavorful, tender kabobs, use chunks of meat from the leg or shoulder and marinate them for 4 hours to overnight. -- George Foreman and Cherie Calbom, George Foreman's Knock-Out-The-Fat Barbecue and Grilling Cookbook (1996)
How can I prevent my food from tasting like starter fluid?
How do I arrange the coals for the best fire?
How do I use an electric starter?
How do I use newspaper to help ignite a fire?
How should vegetables be cooked on the grill?
Are there different ways to cook ribs?
How do I clean a charcoal grill?
How do I seal in chicken´s juices?
Can I cut the fat in spareribs?
How can I add a delicate flavor to the grill?
How hot should the coals be for lamb?
How can I tell if the lamb is done?
How can I avoid food-borne illness?
How can I avoid the bad stuff from charcoal?
Can garlic reduce the HCA´s in food?
How can I avoid the flaming barbeque?
Does it help to trim the fat off meat?
What fillers might taste good in burgers?
How do I tell when the meat is done?
How to prevent fish from sticking to BBQ grill?
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